Friday, June 20, 2008

Wow! That's pink!

How on earth do I change the color on the sides of this thing? I am okay with the colors of the fonts, but would like to change the background color. Apparently that is the only color I can't change! Yikes! It hurts the eyes!

Oh, my! What have I done?!

So I was just saying two nights ago that I would never have my own blog. But today I got sucked in! I don't know how. It just seems like everyone is doing it (even my own mother - although she never posts anything new!) Yeah, yeah, I know - and if everyone jumped off a bridge. (Yeah, I probably would!) I probably won't ever post anything new either! Like I need something else to do! Well, I'll give it a try. (Note to self: must remember this is a public forum)