Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Weight Watchers

But what I really wanted to blog about this morning is the fact that I feel like I am always hungry!

So three years ago I lost about 20 pounds. Got down to a good weight for me. A pre-pregnancy weight! Then over the past two years I put on about 10 pounds per year and, bamm, there goes all my progress. This is the first time I have been through this particular cycle. I lost and gained weight, of course, with both my pregnancies, but I consider that a different thing. This was just plain sloth and gluttony!

Two weeks ago, looking for the motivation to lose those 20 pounds again, I joined Weight Watchers. And I persuaded a couple friends to do it with me! Now I am realizing how much work it is to lose weight! And regretting the inattentiveness that enabled me to gain those 20 pounds back. Bad habits of snacking and not exercising snuck up on me without me even realizing it. And bad habits are hard to break.

I get home from work about the same time the girls get home from school and we all have a snack. Even if we don't need it or aren't hungry, I think sometimes. Now I am hungry then cause my body is trained to eat then. So I have replaced that with 30 minutes on the treadmill while the girls do homework and lots of water If I really need something I have an apple or a cheese stick. Although usually after exercising I am not as hungry.

The Weight Watchers plan is becoming hard for me to follow after 2 weeks too because I feel like I am always hungry. I'm not. I actually have been eating well. I eat what the family eats. I just eat smaller portions than I used to. I do miss the chips and the white bread and the sweets. They are not good for me though and they add up so fast (which is what I have forgotten over the past two years.)

So last week I had lost 2.4 pounds and we weigh in today. I will keep you posted as to my progress. I don't think it will be that hard to take that 20 pounds off again in the 16 weeks I will be doing the program. (I could stand to lose a bit more than that, but that is my first goal.) I do hope this time though that I will have learned my lesson and work a bit harder to keep the 20 off.

Tired this morning - late night movie

I stayed up too late watching a movie last night. We were watching a couple of Chuck episodes that we had recorded and when that was over, the channel the TV was on had this movie called "Bonnie and Clyde". We knew it wasn't going to end well, but I didn't really know a lot about their story so we watched it all the way to the bitter end: (Spoiler alert!!! ;-) They died a gruesome death caught in a trap by someone they trusted, killed by a TX ranger who had been following them for some time.
The interesting thing was that what drove them into the bank-robbing business was the Great Depression. Times were bad then. Strange similarities to economic time today - failing banks, house foreclosures and joblessness abounded. But at least we still have drinking water and food. I pray daily these days that it doesn't come to that again anytime soon.