Friday, July 4, 2008

Thoughts when up in the middle of the night

Yeah, it really is 3:30 in the morning! I woke up about an hour ago when I realized that I had forgotten to let my cat in before I went to bed. I tried to call her, but at 2 o'clock in the morning any calling just sounds really loud. I eventually woke up my husband (inadvertently, not on purpose!), but we never found her. We did crack the garage door just a bit so she could take refuge in there once she comes home. She loves to go outside, but (as our recent house/pet-sitter said) she always seems to want to be on the other side of the door. I think I spend more time letting her in and out than I do the dog!
So anyway, I went back to bed not sure I could get back to sleep. My ceiling fan has a tick in it. (It is bad enough, it entered into my dream before the cat being outside woke me up!) Then my nose was plugged. Then my neck started hurting. These two are always the precursors to a migraine headache so I got up to take some medicine before it went there. And now I just can't sleep! Of course it didn't help that I remembered that I had forgotten to pay a bill the other day when I paid all the bills. Or that I remembered that I needed to check on a shipment from Gevalia. So I just got up.
Now I am starting to get sleepy again so I think I am making less and less sense. I will probably read this in the morning and wonder what on earth I was thinking posting at 3:30 in the morning! I think I will try to go back to bed. My head feels better and my meds are taking effect.

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