Monday, November 3, 2008

Time Passes

So a friend and I were having this discussion over lunch - time passes. Yesterday I was at another friend's house at the tail end of a toddler's birthday party. That is my definition of CHAOS - a house full of toddlers! I remember when that was my house. But it's not that way anymore. Time passes. The first five years of my eldest's life seem to go by so much slower than the past five years. She started school and suddenly time started to fly! Now she is ten and...

It has been almost a month since I last posted.

Where did the last four weeks go?

I know where last week went - I survived! That is all I did, but I DID survive. My husband was out of town all week and I had a migraine headache for four of the five days! Each day - I got up; I got us going and the girls to school; I went to work and did what I had to do; I came home and did what I had to do for the girls; I put them to bed and went to bed. No laundry, no cleaning, no TV, no blogging, no anything that didn't have to be done.

This week I am back to my normal schedule. This is my question - does life get lost in the "normal schedule" or is the "normal schedule" life? In true Orthodox fashion, I think the answer is yes. Yes, life consists of doing normal things in a normal fashion. And yes, I think sometimes I miss the very special moments in the normal-ness of my life. That special hug that happens everyday, but won't way too soon when they are all grown up! That special smile that says "I did something great, be proud of me!" That moment of thoughtfulness after a long day that says "I love you." Things that happen every day and can get lost in the 'every day'.

I am realizing today that I am very blessed and I need to cherish every moment!

(My friend also reminded me over lunch that I am almost 40. Maybe that is where all this maudlin thinking comes from! ;-)

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