Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Weight Watchers

But what I really wanted to blog about this morning is the fact that I feel like I am always hungry!

So three years ago I lost about 20 pounds. Got down to a good weight for me. A pre-pregnancy weight! Then over the past two years I put on about 10 pounds per year and, bamm, there goes all my progress. This is the first time I have been through this particular cycle. I lost and gained weight, of course, with both my pregnancies, but I consider that a different thing. This was just plain sloth and gluttony!

Two weeks ago, looking for the motivation to lose those 20 pounds again, I joined Weight Watchers. And I persuaded a couple friends to do it with me! Now I am realizing how much work it is to lose weight! And regretting the inattentiveness that enabled me to gain those 20 pounds back. Bad habits of snacking and not exercising snuck up on me without me even realizing it. And bad habits are hard to break.

I get home from work about the same time the girls get home from school and we all have a snack. Even if we don't need it or aren't hungry, I think sometimes. Now I am hungry then cause my body is trained to eat then. So I have replaced that with 30 minutes on the treadmill while the girls do homework and lots of water If I really need something I have an apple or a cheese stick. Although usually after exercising I am not as hungry.

The Weight Watchers plan is becoming hard for me to follow after 2 weeks too because I feel like I am always hungry. I'm not. I actually have been eating well. I eat what the family eats. I just eat smaller portions than I used to. I do miss the chips and the white bread and the sweets. They are not good for me though and they add up so fast (which is what I have forgotten over the past two years.)

So last week I had lost 2.4 pounds and we weigh in today. I will keep you posted as to my progress. I don't think it will be that hard to take that 20 pounds off again in the 16 weeks I will be doing the program. (I could stand to lose a bit more than that, but that is my first goal.) I do hope this time though that I will have learned my lesson and work a bit harder to keep the 20 off.


Anonymous said...

Don't you hate it when you enjoy eating? I think the way your thinking and approaching this is very healthy and that you will achieve what you have set out to do.

The next time you feel hungry try drinking a glass of water. Your body maybe trying to tell you that you need water instead of food. If you are still feeling hungry after the glass of water, then eat a snack or meal. Chris heard about this and has been trying it and he feels that it does help. He eats less and gets more water.

I will be keeping you in mind this week and next.

Has said...

Just found your blog!

My comment - perhaps not related at all to your problem - is that I am currently pregnant and I honestly think something has gone wrong between my stomach and brain. I feel hungry almost all the time, even after I have just eaten a large meal. Not just peckish, I mean really, really hungry. It is a huge challenge for me to ignore those hunger pangs. I can tell when I'm genuinely hungry, because I get light-headed and cranky. It's a shame that it comes to that point!

Laura said...

h and s
Let me guess - you about as big around as a pencil (when not pregnant)?! I have a very good friend who is built like that and, yes, she is hungry, ravenously hungry, the entire nine months. In fact, it is one of the first signs that she IS pregnant! There is nothing wrong with that hunger when you are pregnant. Feed it! If you start out in your pregnancy skinny, your body does not have enough stores to feed that baby without you eating constantly. Me, on the other hand, actually lost weight the first trimester (a) cause I was so sick and (b) cause I had/have the stores to feed a baby off of for several months! Ugh! I just like to eat too much!